Chairman's Message

We take pride in how far we have come, We have faith in how far we can go……

We cannot stop waves of change but we can learn to surf……To enable children to adapt to ever challenging, ever changing world, we continue to revolutionize our curriculum with latest technology and pedagogies and keep pace with the changing times.

We believe that heart of the education is after the education is after the education of the heart. We want our children to develop valuable life skills and become more independent, resilient, and confident individuals who are able to come out of their comfort zones and deal confidently with any uncertainties or challenges that they may comfort in future.

We also ensure that the school has a soul i.e., its system is punctuated by moral purpose and has a societal and ethical objective. We, thus, tailor schooling to provide all around education. We educate them for a purpose. We educate them for life……. To lead a fulfilling life. We seek your cooperation to makes this venture successful.

Why Richmondd Convent School ?

Richmondd kindergarten is heart of the school. A nurturing home away from home. We take with pride and delight, The fast tender steps of Tiny tots into the world of Education and learning Richmondd Kindergarten is a child Friendly, safe, hygienic, Purposefully, built and Beautifully designed And equipped school. Inside is an environment made With love, care, and support Where children experience The joy of learning.

School Address:-

Richmondd Convent School
Dharam Singh Nagar Manwal Bagh, Pathankot
Mobile: +919592584777, +919592585777